Dear Mr. Taylor,
I wish you the most perfect Birthday ever! I remember meeting you at last year’s birthday party and you were so gracious and kind – I remember telling you how impressed I was with all you have done for the community and the state, and instead of basking in my words you isked me what my name was….that was a sign of a true gentleman with deeply instilled kind and empathetic values. I couldn’t believe that you cared what my name was – I was in line with a zillion others waiting to shake your hand and wish you a Happy Birthday. And even though there were zillions to still come through the line you took the time to make me feel special and welcomed. That was especially appreciated since I had just recently moved back to the area after having been raised in El Paso.
They say the nicest people in the world live here and you are an example of why people say that. Enjoy your birthday and please include me among the many wishing you a great year ahead. Here is a photo I took to hopefully make you smile.
Best Wishes,
Reed Dalby