Happy 100th!

Happy Birthday and may God bless you again for another 100 years.  I am sorry that I can’t be there in person but we will talk soon and I will get to see you sometime in the near future (I hope).

I remember on your 95th birthday party you told me and Kathleen that you were reappointed to the Board of Regents for another 5 years! Well, you said that you would not make it but I told you that you would be around until you were 105 or 110 and I hope that you will!  We have more to talk about and share.

I have recently met, although I have known the family for about 50 years, some more relatives related to us on the Romero side of the family.  The Lopez family in Santa Fe.  Maggie Lopez knows Mike quite well.  The world becomes smaller and smaller.

Take care and enjoy the family around you today.  This is very special.

Much Love Tu Primo
Tito Karlson

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