Happy birthday, Paul.
Little did I imagine that when I led a League of Women Voters task force on bilingual education in the early 70s after I moved to Las Cruces, I would find a lifelong friend. My search for an expert on the subject led quickly and directly to you. The league study and programs on the subject benefited enormously from your broad and well-grounded knowledge as well as your passion for education and for your culture.
Through the years since, I came to know your kindness, unfailing generosity, commitment to service for countless causes, quiet but forceful leadership, courage, loyalty and unending curiosity about people, places and things.
You have the rare ability to come into a room and make each person present feel that there is no one he is happier to see or would rather spend time with.
Thank you for the years of faithful friendship. I look forward to many more.
Ree Sheck
Happy Birthday