Dear Paul,
I can’t say how much the Colligan and Gallagher families value the relationship with you and the Taylor family. You are the kind of family friends that are truly treasured and loved unconditionally.
Josephine, Gertrude and Dolores would all be singing your praises if they were still with us. Thank you for all the years of support and love you provided to Josephine and Gertrude. Without you, our mother Dolores would not have felt comfortable living in California. Our visits back to Las Cruces every summer were special occasions to visit with the Taylors.
You have been such a special friend to Rebecca and me over the years. We love you dearly and savor our visits with you each time we come to Mesilla. Without your son Pat, the Armijo-Gallagher house would no longer be standing. His guidance on historic preservation and unparalleled restoration skills are seen in the beautiful house we have today. Coming to town 2010 to 2017 to work on the house project gave us more time to visit with you, which was a special bonus!
You have had such an impact on education, state services for the poor, and in preserving the hispanic heritage in Mesilla and Las Cruces. We are in awe of your many contributions to life and society. What a national treasure you are! But most importantly, you and your family are dear family friends, and we will always love you.
Big hugs and happy birthday!
Bud and Rebecca Colligan
Happy Birthday