$250 Contribution

Javier & Henrietta Vargas
Las Cruces, NM
Friends of the Taylor Family Monument is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preservation &
interpretation of the Taylor-Mesilla Historic Site
Taylor-Mesilla Friends supports the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs by raising funds, sponsoring special events, and generally promoting the Taylor-Mesilla Historic Site.
In the spirit of J. Paul and Mary Taylor’s lifetime of service to the people of New Mexico, you too can help preserve New Mexico’s history and customs. And, as a Friend, you’ll be the first to hear about special events and tours of the historic site!
“A Friends Group was always part of the vision Mary and I shared for the Historic Site. I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to the group in one way or another. The Friends have been invaluable in helping continue the tradition of sharing our home with school children and other visitors. We couldn’t do it without you. ¡Muchísimas Gracias!”
— Paul Taylor
To provide higher levels of support, you may join as a Benefactor:
Annual Memberships begin on Mr. Taylor’s birthday every year. Donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.
$250 Contribution
Javier & Henrietta Vargas
Las Cruces, NM
$204 Contribution
Arthur Berkson
Las Cruces, NM
$500 Donation
Tessa Calderella & Family
El Paso, TX
$5000 Contribution
Diana Davidson for John & Eunice Davidson Fund
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Lynn Deming
San Antonio, NM
$100 Contribution
Joel and Peggy Brown
Las Cruces, NM
$225 Contribution
Diane and Mike Lilley
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Mary Kay Papen
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Greg and Allison Smith
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Maryce Jacobs
Las Cruces, NM
$103 Donation
Barbara Barmore
Phoenix, AZ
$50 Contribution
Maggi and Bill Davidson
Las Cruces, NM
$250 Contribution
Orlando Padilla
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Susan Peters
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Bruce Stanford
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Gail and Mike Taylor
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Alice and Gene Ward
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Andria Bryan and Greg Lester
Mesilla, NM
$200 Contribution
Rosemarie and Fidel Sanchez
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Dianne McLeod and Barbara Shannon
Las Cruces, NM
$250 Contribution
Tom and Joan Dormody & Family
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Marty Sewell
Tubac, AZ
$1000 Contribution
Cynthia Risner
Albuquerque, NM
$100 Contribution
Debbie Rindge
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Elaine McKinney
$200 Contribution
Ann Maxwell
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Celestine Duncan
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Lena Chavez
Socorro, NM
$200 Contribution
David and Lorin Abbey
Santa Fe, NM
$200 Contribution
Joseph Hurley
$50 Contribution
Sarah Smith
Mesilla, NM
$102 Contribution
Anita Watson
Conroe, TX
$102 Contribution
Bob Wofford
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Phil Valdez
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Rosemarie and Fidel Sanchez
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Sylvia Ortiz and Austin Hoover
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Susan Kruger
Las Cruces, NM
$55 Contribution
Polly and Kamran Kamali
Las Cruces, NM
$105 Contribution
Claire Jaquez
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Sherry and Maribeth Hulsey
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Irma Glover
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Barbara Barmore
Phoenix, AZ
$60 Contribution
Andrea Bryan
$55 Contribution
Joan and Tom Dormody
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Marty Sewell
Tubac, AZ
$102 Contribution
Sue Brown
Las Cruces, NM
$250 Contribution
Valerie and Patrick McKinney
Albuquerque, NM
$500 Contribution
Sonya Sonnenburg
San Francisco, CA
$1000 Contribution
Diana Davidson for John and Eunice Davison Fund
Las Cruces, NM
$500 Contribution
Billy and Cynthia Garrett
Santa Fe, NM
$74 Contribution
Frances Williams
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Joan Richey and Morris Drexler
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
John Bloom
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Debbie Rindge
Las Cruces, NM
$150 Contribution
Ann Maxwell
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Bonnie Votaw
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Marci Beyer and Michael Stout
Las Cruces, NM
$1000 Contribution
Cynthia Risner
Albuquerque, NM
$50 Contribution
Randy and Terry Miller
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Tom Conelly and Miriam Chaiken
Las Cruces, NM
$500 Contribution
Dave and Paula Sorensen
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
John Kennedy and Marcia Smith
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Marty Bickley
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Barbara Shannon and Dianne McLeod
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Kathy Brook
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Donna Wood
Las Cruces, NM
$60 Contribution
Sally Kosnick and Critt Gardner
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Mike and Janel Ryan
Elephant Butte, NM
$200 Contribution
Maurice Jacobs
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Greg Walland and John Peterson
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Esther and Norm Weatherley
Las Cruces, NM
$102 Contribution
Diane and Mike Lilley
Las Cruces, NM
$250 Contribution
Heather Pollard
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Janet Darrow
Mesilla, NM
$100 Contribution
Bob Wofford
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Ann Maxwell
Las Cruces, NM
$101 Contribution
Heather and Warren Pollard
Las Cruces, NM
$1000 Contribution
Diana Davidson for John and Eunice Davidson Fund
Las Cruces, NM
$101 Contribution
Diane and Mike Lilley
Las Cruces, NM
$75 Contribution
Maggie and Bill Davidson
Las Cruces, NM
$1000 Contribution
Cynthia Risner
Bernalillo, NM
$1000 Contribution
David and Paula Sorenson
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Marice Jacobs
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Rosemarie and Fidel Sanchez
Las Cruces, NM
$101 Contribution
Jan and Michael Morehead
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Greg Walland and John Peterson
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Charles and Joan Richey
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Craig Ricketts
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Jolene and Wayne Maes
Corrales, NM
$75 Contribution
Donna Tate
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Jane Asche
Las Cruces, NM
$1000 Contribution
Diana Davidson for John and Eunice Davidson Fund
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Irma Glover
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Susan and John Kluthe
Ruidoso, NM
$100 Contribution
Patricia Crowley
Bloomfield, NY
$100 Contribution
Michael Weiss
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Terry and Randy Miller
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Donna Tate
Las Cruces, NM
$500 Contribution
Donna Wood
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Bob Wofford
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Sherry and Marybeth Hulsey
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Clara Apodaca
Albuquerque, NM
$100 Contribution
Carol Miller
Ojo Sarco, NM
$100 Contribution
Joan Moore
White Rock, NM
$100 Contribution
Patrick Moore
White Rock, NM
$100 Contribution
Theresa Bohn
Galisteo, NM
$100 Contribution
Pauline Rindone
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Erlinda Portillo
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Kay Rickets
Bernalillo, NM
$100 Contribution
Valeska Hilbig
Takoma Park, MD
$100 Contribution
Cynthia Bejarano, Jeff Shepherd
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Liz Stefanics
Santa Fe, NM
$60 Contribution
Sigrid Gustafson
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Ann Maxwell
Las Cruces, NM
$1,000 Contribution
Sonja Sonnenburg
San Francisco, CA
$50 Contribution
Karen Billings
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Carmen Barcena/Mestas Family
Bonita, CA
$100 Contribution
Mary C de Baca
Hulsey, IA
$100 Contribution
Jan Hampton
Mesilla, NM
$55 Contrbution
Sally Kosnick and Critt Garner
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Dianne McLeod, Barbara Shannon
Las Cruces, NM
$200 Contribution
Jim and Nancy Higdon
Santa Fe, NM
$200 Contribution
Esther and Norm Weatherley
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
William Todsen
Abilene, TX
$100 Contribution
Orlando Padilla
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Jan and Mike Morehead
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Kathleen Forrer
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Lyn Deming
San Antonio, TX
$250 Contribution
Andrea Schneider/¡Ándele!
Mesilla, NM
$100 Contribution
Chuck Murrell
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Don Kurtz, Ann Gutierrez
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Marice Jacobs
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Sue Brown
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Debbie Rindge, Spencer Fidler
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Jon Hunner
$50 Contribution
Barry Mansfield, Mica DeAngelis
Burlington, VT
$100 Contribution
Mike and Anita Stevenson
Texarkana, TX
$500 Contribution
Chris Gallagher, MD
Albuquerque, NM
$100 Contribution
Rob Baca and Susan Pate
Edgewood, NM
$100 Contribution
Ann Romig
Albuquerque, NM
$100 Contribution
Carla Aragon
Los Ranchos, NM
$100 Contribution
Laura Bergman Sandiford
Arcadia, CA
$100 Contribution
John Kennedy
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Richard Ellenberg
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Stuart Bluestone
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
Joan and Tom Dormody
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Elmo Baca
Las Vegas, NM
$100 Contribution
Karen Griffee
Athens, WV
$100 Contribution
Meeshell Duran
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Cristian Heinsen
Arica, Chile
$100 Contribution
Jolene and Wayne Maes
Corrales, NM
$100 Contribution
Toby and Richard White
Mesilla, NM
$1,000 Contribution
Cynthia Risner
Bernalillo, NM
$100 Contribution
John Peterson and Greg Walland
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Mary Darling and Howard Phillips
Albuquerque, NM
$100 Contribution
David and Paula Sorensen
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Maggi and Bill Davidson
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Bill King
Anthony, NM
$100 Contribution
Diane and Mike Lilley
Las Cruces, NM
$50 Contribution
Barb Edmonds
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Bruce Stanford
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Lisa Bonney
Santa Fe, NM
$50 Contribution
Reed Dalby
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Lisa Pugh
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Jane Asche
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Kathy Brook
Las Cruces, NM
$100 Contribution
Bruce & Mary Ann Larsen
Santa Fe, NM
$100 Contribution
DeAngelo Nieves
Rio Rancho, NM
$100 contribution
Barbara Barmore
Las Cruces, NM